Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Never Loose Sight of the Drawing Board

In the assigned reading on the Masters of Animation: Yuri Norstein, I found a sentence that stuck out, and I couldn't help blog about it, although it honestly has nothing to do with the reading. When we had to read on the different countries contributions to animation, I was reading on the USA, and the sentence reading "Today's ideal medium is thought by many to be the computer rather than the drawing board" hit me hard. My artistic talent is solely drawing board, at least for now. I focus mainly in acrylic paint and colored pencil. I am intending on minoring in graphic design, hints the reason I am in this class. However, I do not know much about digital arts, and computer arts. My high school, being small and having little interest in the arts program, did not offer any form of computer art classes. I heard my whole high school career that I should go to school for art, but that I would never get any jobs unless I knew computer arts, this mostly coming from my art teacher. This has been a main struggle for me; I am talented in drawing and painting, but the world is shifting to solely computer base arts. I am open to learning more about computer arts, but am hesitant in fear of loosing the drawing board based talents that I have. I do not merely want to forget about drawing and painting, but am concerned that's what graphic design will lead me to. It is interesting to see how technology is shifting art, I just believe we shouldn't loose sight of the drawing board.

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