Sunday, December 13, 2015

Presintation on Bullshit

Almost all media now seems to be bending the truth in some aspect or another. For example did you hear that Ohio has plans to arm the homeless or congressmen taking children hostage?  Did you believe them? No, because you’re not a goddamn moron. But the media did; at dozens of respectable outlets, hack journalists wrote up those bullshit stories and passed them off as ‘news’. Which is what the news is feeding us all the time does everyone remember Cecil the lion was killed well earlier the same day a gunmen killed four marines at their base but the lion was much more important than the soldiers that got killed. The places we see Bullshit the most is in politics. The political candied says all the things that you agree with but is ever going to get around to honor what he said not really. The worst part is that the news media is actually buying into this crap that common since tells us its bull. I guess when it comes to the news stories that aren’t important or need to be stated are the ones that get the most people questioning life. Which is why when watching the news make sure you are getting the full story and not just part of the story.

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