I myself don't care for more than 30 seconds of attention at a time, so this concept sounds extremely attractive. I don't need to be famous. I just want my creations to be famous, or at least liked by a large number of people. If I could accomplish the latter while remaining anonymous, I couldn't be more content. I actually have entertained the thought of making videos or blogs under the identities of fictional characters and not telling even my friends about it (which I immediately realize will make it harder to generate traffic). It sounds like lots of fun. It would like I was one person on the internet and another and real life. I'd be simultaneously famous and unknown. Francis Frankson would get all the attention while I get ignored, just the way I like it. (Oh wait. I can't use that name now.)
Here's a girl living the dream, right here:
And here's a music video that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about:
I LOVE AMI YAMATO she is the best and her 3D/live action editing is so on point. I never want to know what she really looks like she IS that cg model as far as I'm concerned