Thursday, December 3, 2015

OK, we all know where this is GOing... More Music Videos!

The music videos today reminded me of some home videos my cousins and i used to make. Especially the one of Ok Go in the backyard dancing just made me feel like i was watching  my sister and i and our two cousins when we were 10, 11, and 12 making up our own dances to songs and recording it. The fact that these four grown men were dancing like goons with a stationary camera in a backyard just made me grin the whole time honestly. It is just such a real, raw, not manufactured thing that they did that also makes them a little more relatable. 
On the subject of Ok Go music videos, i very much enjoyed the music video where they had all the cause and effect contraptions going on the whole time. I cannot even imagine how long that took to set up and how many times they had to do it for everything to line up perfectly. I couldn't stop watching it and even though it wasn't emotionally connecting, like i previously said that i enjoy the most, it was just genuinely cool! 

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