Friday, December 4, 2015

Music Videos and a Small Correction

So umm, yeah I'm going to be milking the topics we speak on in class because I need blogs- when you slack off you pay for it.

Anyway I just wanted to start my blog giving my opinion on someone else's blog. They were speaking to Professor Leeper's comment in class when he said we are a dysfunctional age when it comes to doing things with our hands (personally I don't think we're only dysfunctional in that sense but across the board). Anyway I just wanted to point out that a fish that's been caught in the middle of the net isn't going to think he's been trapped- he's just going to think the other fish are in his personal space. What I'm saying is when you're in the situation sometimes it's too close to home to see the whole picture. So while you might not be dysfunctional in that sense it doesn't mean that across the board everyone isn't.

So that aside, I decided I'll share one or two of my favourite music videos.
I found out about Stromae after going on a french class trip to Guadeloupe- for those who don't know that's an island which is a colony of France still- and Stromae's song "Alors on danse" was 'all the rage'. I looked up more of his music and stumbled across this music video. I thought the concept was pretty amazing. It's not very complicated but it conveys the soul of the song quite well- I think there are English subtitles.

Yeah this is another one of his videos- this does not have subtitles if I remember correctly, but the song basically talks about a woman who's fed up of how men have treated her and the chorus is basically "They are all the same". Which is also the title "All the Same".

Ok one last one- I decided to drop in a Christian music video to annoy Professor Leeper :). It's not very innovative for the most part- still just singers watching the camera and talking but I liked how they came up with the set. (This is not one of my favourite music videos but just throwing it in here).
Well hope it was fun watching!


  1. Have you ever seen Papaoutai? It's another great music video Stromae created.
