Flatland is a two-dimensional universe occupied by living
geometric figures - squares, triangles, circles, etc. A Square, Attorney At
Law, finds himself in the middle of two upheavals: the rise of martial law by
the circular leadership of Flatland, and the arrival of A Sphere, CEO Of
Messiah, Incorporated, a creature from a hitherto-unknown third dimensional
world. Raises a few questions like out of the whole book and movie why are the
woman invisible. I understand that the book was made in the 1800’s so woman’s
rights weren’t around yet but still why have possible characters just out of
the picture completely. Much like are world both 2d and 3d world are stuck by
are and no one thinks that there is anything higher than them shouldn’t we
question what’s true and what is fake in just about everything. So I don’t
understand why everything happens here. Although it is interest that people act
in this movie much like they would in real life. As in everyone thinks that they’re
the best until proven otherwise like with other beings aliens to us may think
that we are in fearer and we would look at them and think the same thing.
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