Friday, November 6, 2015

Women Empowerment

I know everyone is probably sick of hearing/reading about this topic, but I will never tire of talking about it! I also believe that it is a subject that can never be discussed too much; there will always be a need for more recognition and attention to the subject of women loving themselves. Women are constantly told that they need to look, dress, appear a certain way in order to be society's definition of beautiful. Genesis 1:27 "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." In the Bible it is clearly stated that God made all people in his image. He made people to be exactly as he wanted them to , and God does not make mistakes! He loves each of us for the way that we are, and I am sure he is not pleased with how women, and even men more and more, are being told they need to change themselves physically so much.

In class we looked a little bit at how Dove, a big name in the beauty industry, is trying to get people to stop buying so much into the beauty industry. This is one of the pictures for Dove's Real Beauty campaign and I love how empowering it is! These are all beautiful women that God created and loves! Just because they are not a size 0 with not an ounce of fat on them doesn't mean they should be told that they aren't good enough or that they cannot love themselves.
(I don't know how to put the actual video in here, so here is the link)
This video is an amazing, eye opening representation of how it is so unrealistic to compare women to anything in the media because it is literally not real! Those women have been made up by professionals and then even photoshopped by computers, so obviously "normal" people aren't going to look that good.

People should all just spread God's love of everyone, regardless of size or color or body type, instead of comparing and having unrealistic standards.

Rant over :)

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