Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Sky's the Limit

Hey everyone,

I really, really liked today's films. Every single one of them used so little, yet conveyed so much. Almost all of them had not a word of dialogue. I really love that none of these films relied on immaculate, intricate visuals (not that I don't love my Pixar), but on story, on character, irony, etc. I believe that it's works like these that pull the truth out of humanity better than some of the 'big guys' can.

After You was by far my favorite. It was so minimalistic, but SOO funny! Even though it was a little dramatic, it was still really relatable. And none of them were visually unappealing, either. It's like the creators knew the limits of their budget, and managed to work that into the story. They used it to their advantage; like Professor Leeper said, they cheated the system. They did the best with what they had, and they rocked it.

I think it's so important for us as artists to realize that we are not limited by budgets or resources, though those things are of course important. I just mean that we don't have to have the greatest gear to make great things. Our limits are our creativity and imagination.

Image result for kung fu panda 3 poster
Still. . . 

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