This blog post was supposed to have happened last week, but
due to me being afraid and for other reasons, I never did post it. But today's
talk in class about how we should talk about sex more in our lives and not be
total afraid of it but not misuse it, brought it back up for me to talk about
it again. I was to talk about the R word, the word that no one wants to talk
about until it happens to them or someone they know, that word is rape. Now this
is a really touchy thing for me to sadly write about because, I was nearly raped
when I was younger and that scared me really badly, I felt ashamed of myself
for letting it happen. I questioned that if I’m truly a good person or was I
being punished by God for something that I did. I took all that blame onto
myself for many years until I was fully able to forgive myself, and tell my
story to my family. Yet there was still scars left that I think, I just left
unclean until I saw the Feather Tales.
I don’t usually cry during films, unless if they are beautiful or I relate to
them, while this was a beautiful film, sadly I got to relate to it. Now I want
you guys to understand that while I’m saying we should talk more about rape,
and how damaging it can be. We should also wait until those who had it happen
to them are ready to tell their own story on their own. It’s like talking about
the hole that sex can leave in your body, only you didn’t want that hole there.
Sometimes the hole heals and others want to help other people overcome or
understand what rape truly is, while other holes may never heal. Personally the
hole left in my life, while it may be healing, isn’t fully ready for me to talk
about it with others all the time. So I would kindly ask, that while I brought
this up myself, that I also close this up. You can comment about it on the blog
if you like, but I don’t think I would be able to handle talking about it face
to face with other people. I do hope that none of you guys have to have
something awful like that happen to you. Because like Au Jour, while it does leave a hole, the hole is
something that you never truly wanted and you are stuck with until you feel
like you can truly move on past this.
I went through a similar experience about four years ago. Someone I thought that I could trust took advantage of me and sexually assaulted me multiple times. He made me feel as if it was my fault and that's all I'd ever deserve. He emotionally abused me and made it where if I told anyone, they'd all hate me and it'd be my fault that it all happened. You are so brave for posting this and I hope you know you are awesome and so strong.