Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Feminism has gotten way out of hand...

Ok so about this whole feminist situation..now whenever I heard the word feminist, I've always sort of been like, "Ah great, not this again.." But once Leeper said that he would say he's a feminist, I was like wait, hold on a second. What is feminism exactly? So I looked up the definition and history of it all, and this is what I found. Basically, feminism is a philosophy that advocates equal rights for women and men-socially, politically, economically, and in other ways. Early feminists fought for and won suffrage for women. Based on this, I would say yes! Back then I would've totally supported this idea. But the problem now is that feminists seemed to have taken their ideas to a whole new level. Modern day feminism has gotten way out of hand. Someone mentioned this observation in class aas today it goes way further than demanding equal treatment for men and women. Feminists today now fight for language equality, ("chairperson" versus "chairman"), and gender equality, (redefining femininity and masculinity). This is where it's getting dangerous. It frustrates me how nowadays this whole movement has been so determined to destroy any form of male dominance, to the point where they've started to defend abortion and promote lesbianism. These are not biblical principles anymore. I don't care how you argue it. Feminism has turned into a movement based on arrogance, the total opposite of the call to the born-again believer to be a servant. Galatians states that "there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Women have equal access to all of the spiritual blessings Jesus has to offer. Isn't that what's important? Feminism is just one of the issues in society that irritates me because from my point of view I just see it as another unnecessary conflict. I wish everyone in America would just focus on love for once. The real kind, not this false love motivation by self-indulgment that's been going around nowadays.

-Clint Sprunger, November 3rd   

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your opinion that feminist have gotten really out of hand and sadly that most of them don't know how many ladies that are chasing away and how many people they aren't really helping. There are many websites that while they say that are feminist (Buzzfeed and Tumblr mainly), they don't fully notice that they are making men and women see them as the evil feminist or as some sites call them, The New Christians, in which they don't practice what they preach all the times.As a feminist I don't see myself higher than any man, I see him as a brother in arms and someone to work with to make the world a better place.
