Friday, November 6, 2015

Essay Quiz #2

         Like every other woman in class, I am going to blog about the film Un Jour. I feel like this is very predictable. When someone becomes such a part of you, it makes it difficult to let that person go. Even if they did something wrong to you, that person becomes a part of you. This film was so relatable for many reasons. It was like it was meant to be that we watched this film when we did. I would not even just relate this film to a boyfriend or a spouse that things had to end, I would relate this back to a family member passing away. Even just as simple as losing someone who has always been there for you whether it is a loved one, a boyfriend, or just as simple as a best friend. You and that special person have had so man memories that makes it challenging to create distance and become alone. It is scary so this film was very touching to me and every other girl felt the same. Some guys even could have felt the same. No matter what, this film hit all of us close to our hearts. We have all experienced a heart break or a tragedy to a loved one.
         A reading that this related to would have been the women in animation. It really does not relate that much, but women worked together to overcome reactions in women in cases of violence. If women can overcome things like this, women should work together and talk with each other about the moments where they felt lost or hurt because of losing a loved one that became a part of them.

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