Friday, November 6, 2015

Essay Quiz #2

     My choice of reading and a film shown in class is on CG Animation 2, and the film Two Sisters.

In the reading Keith Lango speaks about how most animators feel that if their work doesn't look and move as smoothly as say a Pixar film, it's not worth the time of day. Whether that time be to work on it, or for somebody to view it. I can attest that this feeling is common, at least for me it is, whenever working on a project. It becomes difficult when working on a small project and I run into difficulties on my own, and the thought pops into my head. "Does what I'm making even matter? It's never going to look like (Insert whatever makes you feel like your work is inferior)".

The film Two Sisters looked nothing like anything like a modern, big budget, animation production that is in our theaters today. Never at any point while watching it did I think to myself, "I wish this looked like Up". The style of the film is what I think made it so captivating and enjoyable. While the style she used was unique, the characters and the story, along with the style, is what kept me watching.

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