Thursday, October 8, 2015

Can Children Understand?

Ok, so there were a few individuals in class today that suggested the short film "Duel" was too deep or too difficult for children to understand, and that there were many films that wouldn't be worth the time to show to children, not because of the content, but because they couldn't understand it. While I disagree with that statement wholly, I would like to point out that even if it was hard for them to understand it would beg them to ask questions. 

"No matter how young they are, children are deeply concerned with so-called eternal questions" I.B Singer 

"The role of the television is not to replace families and teachers as the chief influence on children in our society. But television, viewed selectively and in moderation, can encourage children to discuss, wonder about, and even read about new things. Above all, it can lead them to ask questions." Peggy Charren 'Changing Television: Why the Right Does It Wrong' 

I completely agree that we should be careful of what our children watch, and how much as well. But I don't believe that they shouldn't be exposed to something merely because they can't comprehend it.

All the movies or books that I consider worthwhile or excellent, I didn't quite understand all of it, if any of it. And they made me ask questions. It made me do research on this thing or idea that I could not comprehend or had no knowledge of. It expanded my mind, it made me see things differently, and it was only after my questions were answered did that happen. 

So if we want children to learn, if we want them to grow in the right way, then I think its good for them to be exposed to things that they don't quite understand yet. They will only begin to understand, when they find that they don't. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I don't think it matters if a kid, or a viewer or any age, doesn't fully understand the themes or implications of everything they watch. Chances are, anybody can get SOMETHING out of it, and no two people will respond to it exactly the same way. Even if the viewer can't understand to the point of being able to put words to the meaning, there is probably a subconscious seed of an idea planted in them that will grow in time.
