Wednesday, October 7, 2015

I need to share this with you.

Okay, yeah, I know that I just posted a blog post, but everything changed when the fire nation attacked! Not really. I just finished watching a video that I think is worth sharing. It's a play-through of a game called "The Beginner's Guide" by Jacksepticeye (one of my favorite people on the internet). The game is made by a guy named Davey (who also made "The Stanley Parable). In it he talks about his friend Coda, who is a big inspiration to him, because of the games that he makes. The thing is, Coda never releases his games, they are made by him for him, and oh... did I mention that many of them have no solutions or "proper endings" to his games. Some have vast mazes of corridors that the player will never walk through, never see, and never even be aware of. Sound  pointless? It's not. Coda is a genius. Davey walks you through Coda's games and explains how we can find out about Coda's amazing personality through his work. See, the thing is that Coda stopped making games back in 2011, and Davey want to show people his games, so that Coda will start creating again. I won't go any further in detail, because that would spoil it, and ruin the experience.

If you have two hours to spare, I highly suggest that you see this game. It is a real thought-provoking work of art, and it makes me want to create something too.

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