Thursday, October 15, 2015

Skinny-legged horses

Hey guys, Clint here. Just wanted to post about the two recent films we just watched. Now for me personally, it's sometimes very hard for me to get into these types of films. I love animation and everything, but I guess I'm just not into any of that old fashion catholic imagery kinda stuff. I probably should be. But overall it's always sort of bored me. Watching the film however, I think the one that was dubbed the best animated film ever (I forget its name), I forced myself to look deeper into the content. Even before I could try and make myself interested though, I found myself immediately hooked right at the beginning at a certain part. That part was when those long skinny legged horses that seemed to be lifeless paintings started to walk. And it wasn't just any old walking style animation. I don't know what it was, but something about the way they moved drew me in. It was a creepy sort of walk, but at the same time a bit sad, and eerie. Again I don't know what exactly it was but I just can't get that image out of my head. From then on I tried focusing on the film some more. Its still tough, but I'm an animation major, so I should probably make the most of them...
-Clint Sprunger

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