Monday, October 12, 2015


And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."   -Matthew 18:3

In Matthew, we see God calling the little children to himself saying that their faith is stronger than the faith of the disciples or other adults. The faith of a child is strong and undaunted by the world's view. To have childlike faith is to believe, no matter the situation. They are willing to listen and obey because they realize that there is a higher power over them.

So often we "grownups" get caught up in our knowledge, wisdom, and pride in ourselves. We can't see past our own accomplishments and our own abilities to realize that we need to submit to God because he is stronger and more powerful. Adults have trouble learning new things because they have gained a sense of "I'm smart enough, so I know everything" kind of attitude.

That is why it is easier, in my opinion, to reach out to children (and sometimes adults) through children's media because their eyes are open and ready to receive whatever comes at them. The children are most likely going to be geared towards an exciting movie with a great story, rather than towards a story with a good message. However, since they are so open minded and willing to ask the questions we consider obvious, they end up learning way more from the film than they thought they would. It's that fresh inquisitive mind that reaches deeper than the mind of a hardhearted scholar who has a know-it-all attitude.

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