Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Silly Jesus!

I absolutely love the idea of God having a sense of humor, and I've experienced it so many times! A friend told me a funny story concerning this too. He said he was sitting down in an outdoor worship session, and felt the Lord telling him to stand. Thinking it was just his own mind, he discarded the thought. But it came back, and again he felt the Lord really urging him to stand. He said he still thought it was his own thoughts, but then a third time it came. This time he really felt like God saying to him, "Hey, dude, you really need to stand!" He was about to, but looked around and saw most people were sitting, and for the last time told himself, "Why would God want me to stand? I mean really, what does it matter?" Right after he thought this, a bird flew overhead and pooped on his back. Instantly he reared up in shock and disgust, looking up in time to see the culprit flying away into the trees. He looked around, and realized that he was now standing, and at the same time swore he heard God laughing and say, "Told you!"

We serve a funny God, and sometimes I think it's sad that most Jesus-films depict Christ for the most part as super monotone, sort of a real serious personality. It's gotten better, and yes I do realize there's that side of Him, but I feel like we're missing an important quality of God! I mean think about it, Jesus was probably the one who laughed the most out of His disciples. If they took a selfie, He would be the one with the biggest, craziest smile, just being joyful and having fun with life! Anyway, that about brings me to the end of my post. Oh, and if you don't think the guy has a sense of humor, just look at the platypus. I mean seriously, what is that thing? Half duck, lays eggs, has a stinger on it's foot? Crazy. Kinda cute though...

That's all. :) 
Posted by Clint Sprunger, Sep 16, 11:18 a.m.


  1. That's a funny story that your friend told. At first, I thought, why would God lead someone to stand just so they would not be pooped on by a bird? It's such a minor thing. Doesn't God have something better to do? But maybe with the humorous things that God does like that, he is teaching us to trust him so that we will without question in future important situations.

    When I think of Jesus taking selfies with his disciples, I think of someone I would not respect as my Lord and saviour. Then I think that the Pharisees did not respect Jesus as their Lord and saviour, and I wonder if I would not have in their place because of Jesus' unexpected behavior.

  2. That is a hilarious story and I love it. Maybe because I am also often a victim of God's sense of humor. And, it is a distinct one. My stories are actually very similar to your friend's. So it's always so frustrating when people don't believe he has a sense of humor. Where do they think humor came from?
