Monday, December 14, 2015

We Are All Human.

Tchou-tchou was another creation story that we watched.  Once again, I am baffled by the creativity.  What a simply idea.  Just paint a bunch of building blocks and make a film.  It is cool to think about how they probably thought about how creation was in simplest form was building.  I am not a rocket scientist for figuring that one out mind you, but I still think that it is interesting.  I like the ending too because I think it was better that they just reshaped the serpent rather than just destroying him.  I am going to be way off, but I think that it could represent living with sin.  It is always going to be there.  We are a flawed being, but personally I think that our purpose is to do the best we can while were are here.  No one person has life completely figured out.  In my opinion I think that some people do it better than others, but in the end we are all human.  I think that is why I found peace in that ending.  It was a hopefully ending.  It can also represent overcoming obstacles too because we all know that life is full of those bad boys.

Image result for flawed

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