Jacob made a lot of really good points about music and the role in plays in most of the media we consume today. I've never really been into music that much in general. Don't get me wrong, I love music and I do listen to it basically everyday, but it's not a huge part of my life. To be honest I find most of the music I listen to from other forms of media, such as trailers or from some kind of fan made music video for a franchise I like. Something that Jacob pointed out was that musicals and music in media in general are becoming more common. After he said that, it kinda hit me how true that was. I, somebody who does not even really enjoy musicals, have gone to see two musicals in theaters in the last like, two years.
The first one I saw was Les Miserables, which I was blown away. This may be common knowledge to most, but I had no idea till after I had seen it that the actors and actresses sang live while shooting the scene. Again, for someone who doesn't really have enough knowledge about music and can't fully appreciate it as much as those who are knowledgeable, I could still recognize what an accomplishment that was.
I don't really know what I meant to say in this blog, Jacob's presentation just made me think about this film and how it impacted me... So that's all!
Glad I made you think! Les Mis is a great musical.