Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Music Videos

Hi, everyone, 

I really enjoyed watching music the videos today. Except the Gorillaz one, that kinda freaked me out. Don't get me wrong, the whole idea of an anonymous animated band is really cool . . . but they didn't have eyes. . . Anyways, I think my favorite was 'Hurt' by Johnny Cash. It brought tears to my eyes. It was just so raw and real- one of the most famous and successful singers in American history looking back and calling his accomplishments a pile of dirt.  I watched the original Nine Inch Nails video, and it didn't really do anything for me-granted, it was just a really good recording of a live performance. But the images in Cash's version, of him all throughout his career-they really make you think about the lyrics. Like Leeper said in class; It makes you think about what success really means. 

I think that even nowadays with all of the great technology we have, artists struggle to find a balance between making a music video that is very visually appealing, and one that is complex in design and makes you think. (I'm bringing this up because I think the Johnny Cash video did a great job of it). Personally, I don't mind if the video isn't too complex-I don't always like having to guess what a video is about. Then again. . . sometimes it's fun to have a puzzle. 

Image result for gorillaz
Remember that whole 'creep factor' discussion; what was it called, Uncanny Valley? Prime example. Right Here.

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