Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Brief Thoughts about Today's Videos

Let Forever Be
A bad dream about the dreaded repetition of life. You know that state where you know something so well you can't explain it? This lady has reached that point. She is trying to explain her life to herself, but the dance is too complicated and there are too many voices floating around. The noise, too, grown unbearable.

Sugar Water
Wow. The timing. Beyond the stunning visuals, though...
This was the calmest video we watched, and by calm I mean least emotional. The girls had confidence and worked together. Even the "accident" was a team effort. There was little confusion, little interaction with other people. It was very focused.

Clint Eastwood
This one held a lot of pain and confusion, hopelessness and loss. Eyeless, larger-than-life, animated, the little peppy member, the crowd cheering them on, the Satanic symbolism, the one kid's tongue; the band definitely held a creep factor. It was beautiful, though. I could empathize with the "characters." Who hasn't felt useless? Who hasn't felt the future must hold something better, because nothing could be worse? (Click here for another, 2-D version.)

This is a song of painful, forced surrender. He is literally pouring his cup, his life, out before us, or God, or whomever you take the recipient of the song to be. Coming from a respected man, the message is jarring. You begin to ask yourself the questions he is asking. The variance of images added to the credibility of his wisdom in making this choice of surrender because you can see that he has truly lived.

Why did the kids follow? What was the army for? Was he leading them to dream, home, or simply to faith? They were from all over: good and bad, homeless and educated, friendly and lonely. The boy is a good leader. The followers are confident. There is joy, love and peace.

First, there is humor. Humor yields hope. Joys of youth can be revisited. As a student trying to become a respectable adult, this was a message I needed to hear. I also felt disgusted. Roucous people with white hair seem worse than those still ruddy because we automatically have more respect for the elderly. The inset frame was cool, making it look old, like the people. Maybe it was a story the old people were telling their grandchildren, and this is how the young imagined it: their grandparents actually doing the youthful things instead of younger versions of themselves.

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