Monday, December 14, 2015

Affects of Release Dates

Has anyone else noticed the huge release day conflict coming up this week?
Star Wars and The Fourth Alvin and the Chipmunks movie.
Everyone wants to see Star Wars.
No one wants to see a fourth Alvin and the Chipmunks movie. No one wanted a third one. Heck! No one wanted a second one!!! I didn't even want the first one!
So why on God's green earth would they premiere the stupid squeaky chipmunk movie on the same day as Star Wars?
Most film makers actually want to make money from their films and in order to do that, you have to sell tickets. If everyone's going into the theater next door, you are not selling tickets and you are therefor not making money.
The only thing i can even remotely think of that could possibly justify this action is perhaps they are hoping that people will be stupid enough to take their kids to the theater in hope of seeing Star Wars and Star Wars will be sold out so in order to appease their children, the parents will take the kids to Alvin and the Chipmunks. But furthermore, why would they do that with The Good Dinosaur in theaters?
My point is, the release date is important and it should be considered. I also think its stupid that movies like to premiere on Christmas. Who goes to the movie theater on Christmas? My theater was not even open on Christmas last year, yet there were like 3 films premiering that day!
So in conclusions, release days are important and if you guys ever have movies of your own in theaters, pay attention to the release day!

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