Thursday, November 5, 2015

This One's Got a Picture in It!

Before I get started, I'll say that this has a bit to do with what I wanted to post on Tuesday's blog, but I didn't get the time.  But, I'll relate it in.  Even though I did post on feminism in an earlier post, I have had this subject on my mind, and I haven't been able to come up with an answer for it.  However, the conversation we had after Clint's controversial post brought it up in my head once again.

Should we draw gender lines?

Meaning, should we always so clearly judge purely on one's gender.  To me, at least, it seems ridiculous to judge each other purely on our sex.  We can't do it with race.  So why gender?  I know there are some parts of the Bible that define some differences between the sexes, but that isn't my point.  I'm not saying that boys and girls aren't different with their own strengths and weaknesses, because anyone who says that isn't true is lying.  Guys are scientifically better parkers.  Girls are better at everything else.  (hehehe)

However, at the same time, I've been finding a lot of the conversation on this whole topic actually pretty frustrating.  Men are ignorant pigs.  Women are emotionally unfit for a work environment.  Men can't do anything right.  Women can't succeed in a "man's world".  As much good as this whole movement is doing, at times I think it's also broadening a line.

The hardest part for me, though, is about the stance Leeper seemed to be taking on it.  Don't get me wrong, it's wonderful and I agree with him, until he talked about affirmative action.  (I'm not talking about racial affirmative action, since I have no place to talk about that, so please don't kill me on that).  He said that he wouldn't mind giving up a spot for woman because it was their turn.  Eh.

That sort someone with ambitious dreams in the animation field, I want to do a lot.  However, I want to do it all with my own skill and passion and hard work.  I don't want to get a job because my employer needed more diversity or because it's "my turn".  I want to get it because I'm good enough, not because I just so happen to be female.  It's actually a little offensive for me.  I'd rather just not get the job.

If, instead, we could just see each other as human, then...I don't know.  But if I knew that the playing field was equal, with no handicaps, I'd be happy.  If we both can take pride in our genders without receiving hate for it.  If women start repressing men as much as men did in the past, then how are we any better?  Then we wouldn't be the better sex. :P  But, if we could live like that I would be more confident.  I mean, bring it, boys. You don't know what you're messing with here.

But, if we don't I'm unsure if we can move passed the cooties on the playground.


  1. I agree with your point that you would rather not get the job than get it simply because it was your turn. I wonder if that has to be the case first, though, before we can be playing on an even field. I mean, if you take a pendulum and hold it up to one side, then let it swing, it isn't going to stop once it hits equilibrium. It is going to continue on until it cannot any longer, then swing to the other side again. I think this issue is far from over. For the brief moment it is in balance, though, we can take a snapshot and set a goal for ourselves next time around.

  2. I don't think that is what Leeper meant when he said that it's the women's turn. I think you misinterpreted what he was saying. I think he meant less about giving you the job because you're a woman, and more about
    hey, look at this really amazing art.
    Oh but it was made by a woman so it is probably like an animation short on tampons or something.
    No, it's just some great art why does it matter that it was made by a woman.
    It's time to let the women speak.
