Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The ______ Who Was a ______ Inside

   Below are thoughts on "The Dog Who Was a Cat Inside." I use "Dog" and "Cat" but know they could be replaced easily with "He/The Male" and "She/The Female," or different personalities, or maybe something else.

   Dog begins in a tree, letting Cat act but hiding at the same time. The constant struggle between Dog and Cat meant neither gained much ground. Neither could ever totally ignore the other one, although sometimes Cat would turn off and let Dog do Dog's thing. But when Dog turned off Cat was left to ponder life.
   Don't think Cat wasn't confused, too. Would it be better to stand up and make Catself known, or let Dog do what Dog wanted since Dog was bigger and more noticeable by outsiders? And better for who?Once Cat is recognized by a cat, which is bliss, but Dog wants to dominate and scares the other cat off.
   Even if not all of us have personally encountered a struggle so violent as Dog and Cat, rejection is something we all relate to. Letting Cat show was inevitable; so was the rejection.
   The mouse is the unattainable goal. Cat longs for it but cannot have it because Dog is not built for hunting. Even if Dog wanted to give Cat the mouse, Dog could not. The mouse is left to follow and taunt.
    Now, you would think Dog and Cat would be happiest when they found another Dog and Cat. Surprise! Opposites attract. Cat finds Dog2, who knows what it's like to be on the inside, and Dog finds Cat2 who understands what it is to carry two personalities. If you put two Dog and Cats together the Dog and Cats will just complain to each other how terrible life is living like this, and encourage fighting and/or letting loose. When you put a Dog and Cat with a Cat and Dog they are able to relate, building empathy and love for each other and their entire selves. Two Dog and Cats would focus on commiseration and become a bigger mess.

   Notice Dog and Cat did not morph, did not turn into CatDog and flaunt the conflicting nature, but just needed someone who understood. And Dog and Cat had to wait for it.

   The wait is the worst part because until it's over you are so very alone.

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