I trust that everyone is going well. If not, go get yourself some ice cream. That always helps me. Aside from that, I am going to be talking about the reading, “One Baaad Messiah” in this blog.
Throughout this reading, Park talks about the two ‘Messiahs’ Neo and Christ. However, Park talks about the reasons why he thinks Neo is better than Christ. These two reasons are that Neo is reluctant and that he kicks ass. This conversation really interests me. People debate if Jesus was really the Messiah. Before Jesus came, those who were waiting for the Messiah expected a man who was like a king. He would be powerful, deliver them from their troubles, and save them. This someone would be almost like Neo. This is why Jesus was a questionable Messiah. A man who was born in a stable into a very poor family. He did not have much and was not much; not like a king. Another point made in the reading was that Hollywood expects a Messiah to be fulfilling. They expect the Messiah to be ass-kicking, not a suffering man on a cross. So this is where I believe faith comes in. This topic could be debated in so many different ways and you may never come to a completely conclusion. That is one thing about faith though. You may not have all the answers besides what you believe.
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