Sunday, October 11, 2015


        I got this picture off of a website that had the quote "I think videogames are art."

        Professor Leeper mentioned in class that we will be talking about videogames.  I thought that I would go on ahead and put in some of my thoughts about them.  If you ask me "Do I think videogames are good or bad?" I wouldn't really know what to say.  I believe that videogames can be inspirations, but I also believe that they could be corruptions.  It all comes down to who plays the games and how they let those games affect them.
         I agree that videogames would count as art, for it takes art to create them.  I personally do not enjoy playing these games, but I occasionally find them entertaining to watch.  Every modern videogame contains a storyline, and if you are not actually the one playing the game, it is more as though you are watching a movie.  The games come with great music and amazing graphics.  They can sometimes inspire others' creativity for creating art.  Videogames often serve the same purpose as movies, but are more interactive.  They require the participation of the player.  In these ways, they could be a very good thing.
        On the other hand, videogames could end up being corruptive.  They are violent and can install a violent nature into the one playing them.  They also take up a large amount of our time nowadays.  A common reason for why student grades are slipping and homework is not getting done is because students are spending (wasting) their time playing videogames.  They are also very expensive.

        So what do I believe?  I think that we can determine how videogames affect us.  We decide the message that we get out of theses games, and the same could be said for films.  It is up to us to decide if we will let videogames be an inspiration or a corruption.  I will ask you this: "What do you believe?"

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