Friday, October 9, 2015

To Censor, or Not to Censor

Full disclosure: I don't wanna see a same-sex couple on a children's show. If I had a kid, I wouldn't want to have to deal with them being introduced to that concept via the television. But I am aware that I have no rational basis to justify this feeling. I mean, I think I have good reason to feel this way, but I can't reasonably expect those who disagree with me to honor that reason. I just don't like it, and I would rather no one bring the subject up before children. Because I want to prepare them to reject the idea before the world presents it to them. But how can I demand that creators stay away from that subject? Content-wise, it's no more inappropriate then having characters in a heterosexual marriage, and I have no problem with kids seeing that. It's not that I think young kids can't properly understand it. The concept or a woman falling in love with another woman is quite simple. Anyone old enough to speak fluently can understand it. My only reason for not wanting to talk about it, is because I don't want impressionable children to be led to accept it.

But if I'm gonna ask for that topic to be censored, then I need to be OK with all controversial subjects being censored in order to be fair. All depictions of religion would be off-limits, because some people don't want religion "shoved down their kids' throats." Discussions of evolution and creationism alike would be deemed inappropriate, because some people don't want those things "shoved down their kids throats." References to any world conflicts would have to be axed. Even the concept of objective morality might need to be avoided. But I don't want to shut down these topics, partly because I want kids to be encouraged to see them my way. And even if they're not led to see it my way, I think some of these topics are perfectly appropriate for young people to think about. There's just a few certain topics that make me uncomfortable that I don't want to discuss in front of kids.

So what do I do? It would be hypocritical and egotistical of me to ask to have it my way. It's the same thing as the freedom of speech; I have to support the right for people who disagree with me in order to preserve it for myself and those with whom I agree. Justices forces me to say others can promote whatever views they want.

I have to accept that the changing views of the culture will eventually make it to the screen whether I like it or not. We can't pick and chose which ideas to censor and which ones to air freely. We need to make like the ACT and take this as an means through which our young people will be exposed to different ideas which they may or may not embrace. And you know what? In the long run, I really don't think the television can do that much harm. I mean not as long as parents pay attention to what their kids are watching and how they're responding to it and make sure they're getting guidance from someone besides strangers in Hollywood.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, yh interesting observations with censoring. I think there was a point in class made that we should have media dealing with many topics for children but it'll need to be up to the parents to decide when and what they want their child to watch as well as discussing it afterwards with the child.
