Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Different conclusion to Sand Castle

I loved what Leeper said in class today after we watched the teddy bear film. I think it was called Ludivic? Anyways, I thought it was a cute film, but when he was explaining that it was a different take on drawing children into this reality in a very gentle way so they get their own chance to think about loss, I was very moved by it. I did not see it from that perspective but when he explained it like that it made a great deal of sense, and I just found it to be very beautiful.

The two films Tchou Tchou and Sand Castle were also wonderfully entertaining. I have so much respect for stop motion animators. I cannot comprehend their patience and talent. It is truly extraordinary. I did not pick up on the recurring theme of the garden and serpent until professor Leeper pointed it out but that was cool. I did not at all think about the story of Jesus while watching Tchou Tchou. However I did interpret a couple of things when watching sand castle. For example I interpreted the sand man who was creating all of the little creatures to be God, and I did consider them to be his friends, not his servants at first. I had a different take on the ending. Rather than their castle being destroyed by the storm, I had first interpreted it as God's kingdom, and that he was inviting them all inside to be protected.

That's probably not correct or what the artist intended but that's how I interpreted it. Let me know your thoughts!  :-)

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