Monday, October 12, 2015

Children's Media

The video that we viewed in class where the child is basically being forced to learn numbers and the alphabets. My take on that video is that you basically have to force feed children when it comes to learning. Otherwise they will try to make learning numbers into learning about why 6 was afraid of 7. I feel that society is like this because with the stuff that is shown on television, it is easy for children's mind to wonder and want to explore something different that what is right and wrong.

I just don't understand why many people think that it means so much. It means exactly the same thing to almost everyone. I can understand that people interpret thing in many different way, but it seems like this video is basically screaming out that you have to force your children to learn stuff the right way before they try to change how things are. Like in the video when the child pulls out an "adult magazine"and the parent slaps it out of the child's hand. That showing how the world is changing and how if you don't monitor what your children are watching or seeing in life that it could mess up how their whole life is ran.

In this picture it is showing how if we don't watch what our children are doing. The media will just spoon feed them whatever they want and you would never know it.

1 comment:

  1. You seem to have a strong opinion on this. Do you really believe that, if given their head, kids will not learn right from wrong and fact from fiction but will make a corny joke out of the whole thing? What makes you think this? I agree on your point that what the media is giving our children should be a concern of ours, that we should make it our business, but I don't agree that children cannot learn without it being forced upon them. Granted, the ability for a child to teach himself rests heavily in the "formative years" when they are still being spoon-fed, literally. If you don't allow kids the ability to learn for themselves, it becomes the battle of the force feeders. Being constantly fed for 16, 18, 20 years makes you fat. Where have you learned discernment? Or how to exercise your mind? When have you had time to question the ingredients? And have you learned how to cook in the process?
    I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to turn into a rant, but I do have one more thing to say. You write that "Duel" means the exact "same thing to almost everyone" but at the same time say many people interpret it in different ways. I have understood that it is through the interpretation we divine the meaning, so for each of us interpreters we find what it means to us. Or are you referring to the intended message?
    Thanks for bearing with me.
