Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Why Christians Need Art (A Personal story)

As the grandchild of a pastor, I did a lot of growing up in the one of the stonewalled churches and raised almost by the Holy Book, many people would think that my family banned art from our world. However to my grandmother, art was the on the top five gift from God that he gave this world, because if God didn’t want us to have art, he wouldn’t have given us colors. She would give us books on artists with their artwork all over it, take us to see Art Prize and would ask us what we saw and if we could make up a story with what we saw. Painting from the Bible were all over their house, with characters each a different race so not a single grandchild would feel left out of the story. Whenever we would hear the bible stories before bedtime, everyone would get a piece of paper and markers and would draw the stories and then it would be hung up around the house or at the church. Now my grandmother wasn’t the pastor, my grandfather was. My grandfather had a different view on art and by different view I mean none at all. My grandfather was blind. After we finished a good drawing we would go and down to his office and tell him about the drawing that we did of Noah’s Ark or of Jesus making pies with Grammy or of God giving him the chance to see his grandkids. Finally after he would hear our stories, he would ask, “Now what do you think God would think of all of this?” We would answer, “Happy to see us show off his creation.” He would nod and say God was hanging our drawings up in heaven, and to this day I still believe that every piece of art work I do, God hangs it up and smiles at it.

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