Saturday, September 26, 2015

Shadow Procession

William Kentridge's Shadow Procession that we saw in class was a simple minute of walking shadow puppets carrying various things. It is simple but nevertheless powerful. The bittersweet rendition of "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" really expresses a feeling of going through trials but still holding on to God and praising him through suffering.

The images of people carrying their belongings reminded me a bit of Exodus and God leading his people out of Egypt. I just imagine that they had all of their belongings with them and that they carried them by hand, animal, or cart on their way out. They may not have been carrying entire cities, but they were definitely taking their whole life with them.

Now William Kentridge may not have intended for me to think of the Israelites' exodus, but I did nevertheless, and works of art are not meant for a single take-away or interpretation. That's why Christian art usually falls flat.

The connection I made gives me a potential insight into the lives of those depicted in Kentridge's short film. They may have been leaving an unwanted life behind them, and taking all that they wanted to keep, but where they were headed might not necessarily have been as great as they would have thought.

I'm just writing what I felt while watching the clip. It might not necessarily make a whole lot of sense to you. What went through your minds while watching it?

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