Sunday, September 27, 2015

Doodling in Class?....GREAT!

"A Liger, it's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and tiger mixed...bred for its skills in magic"
-Napoleon Dynamite
Have you ever doodled in class? Of course you have! Pretty much everyone does. But should we? Doesn't that mean that we're not paying attention? Not so! According to multiple studies, doodling actually helps people focus their thoughts. Even Presidents have doodled. There's a whole book of them. Eisenhower ain't too shabby.

There's lots of interesting articles on doodling. This one in particular caught my attention.

Doodling helps the brain focus through visuals. They capture our thoughts and creative ideas. They keep us thinking in the background. Even simple patterns can help the flow of our thoughts. Doodling in some ways is a sort of a universal language. Some of my better, more original ideas come about when I'm doodling. If you draw for a hobby, sometimes it's hard to think of what to draw when you try to force yourself too. At least for me, doodling allows my creative thoughts to naturally flow while I'm listening to a lecture or watching something. I even find that I remember the material better when I can associate it with the doodle on the same page. As a DMA major, I find doodling especially helpful, but even if you're not, I think that doodling can be stimulating for your thoughts.

So why am I blogging about doodles in the first place? Well... maybe I just couldn't help myself...

I'd like to see some of your doodles too! Maybe share in the comments? Do you find doodling helpful in focusing? Or do you see it as a distraction? Let me know!

That's all for now! Keep on doodling!

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