Monday, September 28, 2015

Instagram As An Art

Instagram, an app for sharing pictures, and now videos was conceived in 2010. What started as an app for just posting pictures for others to see soon grew. Many thought this app would die out, like most apps seem to do. If a "dying" app receives 1 million users in just 2 months, then you may want to rethink your definition of "dying". About a year after, Instagram had its 150 million photo uploaded mark crushed. Why Instagram? Why bring up this somewhat simple app? I do because this app has forever changed the way we view and see art. It's a platform where art can be viewed by millions of people every second, without ever having to pay to see artwork in a museum. As a photographer and creativist myself, this makes me so incredibly proud. Why? Because my art can be shared and viewed by people who would never be able to see it. I receive instant feedback through likes, comments, and followers. Although important to me, I find it even more important to post art that represents who I am and that represents a positive image for God. Photography for me, has become a portal for me to just let loose with my talents and capture every God given moment. And Instagram has allowed me to do that. Being a photographer, I try to have a profile that represents me from a photography standpoint, but also that looks clean and minimalistic. I'll be honest. I spend hours a week on Instagram. Whether that's getting ideas from other photographers or working on my "IG Theme," which  I focus on every time I take a picture, I look to get better. In fact, I sometimes even create a schedule of what pictures I want to upload next and how it will affect my overall color scheme of my page. Some may find my "addiction" to Instagram as something that makes me weak or glued to technology, but for me, it allows to grow my abilities and take pride in something more than's just an app. That's the reason for me writing this blog about an app that seems so simple because it is that simple. I have a place where my art can be seen.

"Art is one important element of community that helps me to understand myself by questioning me rather than merely affirming me."

I figure out a lot about myself while I'm in the frame of taking pictures. There's no other feeling than being behind the camera capturing the beauty God has created. Whether that's an amazing model or something artistic in my environment, there's no true way to describe the way it makes me feel to capture that moment. Those moments truly give me the opportunity to tell a new story that has never been told before. If you would like to see my addiction of Instagram, please feel free to check it out at the link below. And no, I am not just trying to shamelessly plug that in, I just feel that you will not fully understand my addiction until you see how much work I have put into my profile and the work I post.
"To me, the magic of photography, per se, is that you can capture an instant of a second that couldn't exist before and couldn't exist after. It's almost like a cowboy that draws his gun. You draw a second before or after, you miss and you're dead - not them. To me, photography's always like that."
 - Mario Testino


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